Letter: Applauding Simon's superhuman efforts

Knaresborough Tug of War.(1612262AM12)Knaresborough Tug of War.(1612262AM12)
Knaresborough Tug of War.(1612262AM12)
Despite expressed disappointment in the delay at Knaresborough's 2016's Tug of War, I want to applaud the superhuman efforts of the organiser Simon Shaw.

Despite a very serious health issue for which he had just completed five weeks of daily radiotherapy, he appeared single-handed as he strove and succeeded in keeping the show on the road.

I was there with my family, which included two small grandchildren. I never saw a single marshall or fundraiser. Where were they?

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I have known Simon for more than 30 years and glowed with cold, yes, but also with enormous pride, as I asked myself, ‘could it have happened at all without him?’.

Clare Fitzgibbon

Crag Lane,


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