Letter: The Stray - It doesn’t all have to look the same

The Stray in Harrogate still looking awful after the UCI's  Pictured Gerard BinksThe Stray in Harrogate still looking awful after the UCI's  Pictured Gerard Binks
The Stray in Harrogate still looking awful after the UCI's Pictured Gerard Binks
On Sunday I decided to have a walk along the paths on West Park Stray to take a look at it after so much more heavy rain.

The grass is now growing nicely in some areas (but not all) as are some daffodils and crocuses.

What did strike me was in the flooded areas how so many different species of birds seemed to be enjoying searching for food and grubs. In fact without the fencing the flooded areas would have looked very natural particularly amongst the trees.

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Whatever the faults or not of UCI this area of Stray has always been boggy even without the amount of rain we have suffered since September. This part of the Stray is used regularly by St Peter’s School for their sports activities and picnicking families, so rather than spending huge amounts of money on more drainage for all of this area why not concentrate on good drainage for just one part of it for these activities?

The rest of West Park could be left to grow more naturally and planted with wild flowers which would attract insects by providing them with rich sources of food-nectar and pollen which also provide the complete diet for both adult bees and their larvae.

Wild flowers also provides food for butterflies, moths, beetles and bugs and habitat for other small wildlife.

This would also provide an area where children and families would be able to enjoy trying to name the various wild flowers. Perhaps we could also plant just a few more trees to assist with drainage.

We are very blessed in Harrogate with our beloved Stray but it doesn’t all have to look the same.

Val Rodgers


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